Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Painting Modes of the Renaissance

Hello! Have you heard about famous artists like Michelangelo,  Da Vinci and Raphael, because their famous artworks have their own painting modes and today I'll be taking my try on them specifically 4 of them which is Unione, Sfumato, Chiaroscuro and Cangiante

As you can see on the photo above, The painting mode on the top is Sfumato, on the left Cangiante, on the right Unione and on the bottom Chiaroscuro

Heres the process and a large version of the image

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Art Study Resource

One of the most known artist was know for his most popular painting- The Mona Lisa, and that man's name is Leonardo Da Vinci. Although he was most commonly known as a painter he had other hobbies or works such as sculpting, being a Draftsman, Architect and engineer. 

So here is a Study resource about Leonardo Da Vinci:




Discover Walks.com


Saturday, October 3, 2020

A Transparent Cubist Artist, Vicente Manansala : An Art Response


"Luksong Tinik"

Vicente Silva Manansala was a Filipino artist known for his Cubist paintings and prints. Through his depictions of contemporary Filipino life, Manansala addressed issues of intimacy, poverty, and culture. Manansala was born in Macabebe, Pampanga in January 22, 1910 and from 1926 to 1930, he studied at the U.P. School of Fine Arts. In 1949, Manansala received a six-month grant by UNESCO to study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Banff and Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In 1950, he received a nine-month scholarship to study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris by the French government.

This painting by Manansala entitled "Luksong Tinik" shown above is a beautiful painting as this explains culture from the Philippines specifically in this case, a game in which little children play. Luksong Tinik is a very flexible game as it does not require any additional items when playing the game and as a result, most children in poverty play this game mostly in the street to entertain themselves with other children with the same circumstances as them.

This specific painting of his caught my eye at the very first time I saw it. I've played Luksong Tinik but not that much so I can relate to the painting but what striked me when I saw the painting is if you look closely at their clothes, arm, slippers and hair and realize that they are wearing large or oversized clothes, have no accessories, the way they wear their slippers lazily and they way they act in general which could only indicated and mean that they are poor children, as children who are poor or live in poverty usually wear oversized shirts or ragged shirts in the Philippines and this shows us that this is depicting children in poverty playing Luksong Tinik as their past-time. Now this painting gave me a realization, a realization which gave me a new perception of life. Being an introvert such as myself I have not been really athletic and focused more on academic performance, why? Well for one, I am able to please my parents and have them gift me items such as toys, gadgets and anything I wish as long as I please them with my grades but sooner or later I have gone from: "I need to get perfect and be in honors" to simply "I just need to pass", my motivation has come down as it has become stressful and I was overburdened by catching good grades and I've been content with life more than ever, and thinking back I laugh at myself. Now how does my so-called life story connect with my response to this painting. Well, you don't need to have lots of material things to be happy think about the kids in the painting and kids in poverty, they have found a way to be content and even be happy and entertained.

In conclusion, to find happiness we only need to be content. Lots of people struggle to get more material things in hopes that they get happiness. Looking back at the painting it reminds us that rich or poor we can find happiness, only if we are content.

References used:
The photo used:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

A Medieval Inspired Digital Drawing

 So yeah! I've finally finished my work and it took quite the effort to pull it off. Above is the work that I have made although it took quite the time and below you will see the process or the making of this work. Now to start off this is a drawing of peasant in the Medieval Era walking down the road in the middle of the night with his lamp below the night sky.

Why has the Medieval Era inspired you to make this?

While I was thinking what to make, I was below the night sky when a moment hit me when I thought what would it be like with out the road lights,the cars, the buildings,and just the night sky, and it hit me, I thought about the Medieval Era when things were plain simple and I researched lots about the Medieval Era and saw that peasants back then technically just work for basic necessities and a little more for entertainment and I realized that even back then they were happy, even before when phones and technology wasn't a thing they found a way to always entertain themselves, even when they were struggling as peasants, families and children always found a way to be happy and it struck me that even the poorest of the poor is able to achieve happiness, even when you are having a hard time, you are able to find happiness. You don't need to be rich to be happy, and we may ask ourselves, what are we working for? Lots of people strive to be rich having less time for their own families but for what. Fame?Power?Happiness? Even when you are famous and powerful, once you rest eternally, its gone, all of it. Even the richest person has more to worry about than the poorest who has only to worry about little things and the past has already proven that you don't need Fame and Power or money to be happy and it made me think about a peasant who had a long day at the fields, go back home to his family as they eat dinner together, now isn't that wonderful, lots of people barely have time for their families let alone eat together. And with that I decided to make a drawing of a peasant walking in the night and going back to his home to see his children and wife waiting for him to eat dinner.

Large Version of image

Painting Modes of the Renaissance

Hello! Have you heard about famous artists like Michelangelo,  Da Vinci and Raphael, because their famous artworks have their own painting m...